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  Katonah Yoga 15-Hour Weekend Intensive

2-3 December 2023  

  with Abbie Galvin. 

  Don't miss this incredible opportunity to deepen your practice and tap into the wisdom of Katonah Yoga with senior "teacher's teacher" Abbie Galvin.  

What to expect...


Katonah Yoga Foundations: Asana + Pranayama


December 2

9 - 11:30am

In this masterclass, Abbie will guide you through the fundamentals of the Katonah Yoga asana practice, offering a deep exploration of alignment, technique and breathwork. Discover how the intelligent use of technique can create a stable structure within your body, awakening dormant areas and allowing your spirit to flow freely. Experience the power of pranayama to open up new territories in your body, amplifying your practice and unlocking your true potential.



Katonah Home Practice



December 3

9 - 11:30am

Discover the power of a home practice as a transformative tool for personal health, well-being, and longevity. Abbie will guide you through the art of developing, maintaining, and integrating a home practice that honors your unique needs and goals. Explore the integration of mind, body, and breath through ritualized self-care and learn to cultivate a determined life centered around personal growth and self-nurturing. This masterclass will empower you to take charge of your practice and create a sacred space for self-exploration.



Katonah Body Reading



December 2

12 - 5pm

Unlock the art of seeing and interpreting the language of the body with Abbie in this immersive intensive. Learn how to read a body, assess a pose, and decipher the physical narrative that unfolds through personal habits and propensities. Dive deep into understanding the interconnectedness of the body and how chronic and acute physical issues manifest in your practice. Explore practical ways to utilize this knowledge in your own practice and in guiding others toward greater alignment and embodiment.



Katonah Restorative



December 3

12 - 5pm

Experience the profound benefits of restorative yoga with Abbie in this immersive intensive. Restorative yoga is the art of reshaping a stressed-out body, providing deep relaxation and reformation. Discover how formal forms (asanas) and their geometries can facilitate a therapeutic experience, allowing for a profound release of tension and revitalization. Whether you're a teacher looking to integrate restorative theory into your classes or a student seeking a deep, restorative experience, this intensive is designed to help you find greater peace, balance, and healing.


Reserve your mat today!

About Abbie Galvin

Abbie Galvin is the owner of The Studio, a NYC based yoga studio, teaching Katonah Yoga. She has been honing this practice for the past 25 years and has a strong student-base from all around the world. Abbie's instruction is informed by her own creative process as a filmmaker and from her exploration of the therapeutic process as a psychoanalyst. She has learned over and over that truly participating in any formal process of self-exploration leads to transformation whether it be physical, psychological or intellectual. Her goal is to engage students of yoga in the dialogue between their conscious and their unconscious selves because it is through that effort that we potentiate ourselves. It is her intention as a teacher to cajole each student in that most rigorous effort to be grounded, to grow upwards, and to participate in the creation of their best self.

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About Katonah Yoga...

KATONAH YOGA® is a syncretic Hatha yoga practice developed by Nevine Michaan of Katonah Yoga Center over 40 years. She and her teachers incorporate classical Hatha yoga with Taoist theory, geometry, magic, mythology, metaphor, and imagination — in a practical framework designed to potentiate personal and communal well-being. Framing the practice, maps of time and personal space are defined and refined. Themes using asana as origami, manipulating form for function, and developing a sense of personal measure are incorporated in Katonah Yoga practices. Katonah Yoga is organized around three principles of esoteric dialogue: all polarities are mediated by trinity; the universe has pattern, pattern belies intelligence; by virtue of repetition there is potential for insight. Disciplined techniques are organized for revelation through revolutions.


The Investment...

Available as a 15-Hour Weekend Immersion OR

4 Individual Sessions 


Entire Weekend Immersion (all 4 workshops - 15 hours total): â€‹


Reserve your spot with payment before 1st November and enjoy a discounted rate of all four (4) workshops: 5,200 MXN


Full Weekend Regular Rate (after 1st November): 5,900 MXN



Individual sessions priced below...


MASTERCLASS: Katonah Foundations



  • Regular rate: 900 MXN

5 Hour Workshop: Katonah Body Reading

  • EARLY BIRD: 2,200 MXN



  • Regular rate: 2,500 MXN


MASTERCLASS: Katonah Home Practice



  • Regular rate: 900 MXN

5 Hour Workshop: Katonah Restorative

  • EARLY BIRD: 2,200 MXN

  • Regular rate: 2,500 MXN

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